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1776 Patriot Resume Profile
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President Donald J Trump | 45-47, and 19th President | January, 20th 2025 | Win!, Win!, Win!
What is an online 1776 Patriot Resume Profile?
A 1776 Patriot Resume Profile is a one-stop page that gathers all your resume information in a single place
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Editable 24/7, giving you full real time control of your resume details
You will get a fully editable
1776 Patriot Resume Profile
- Accreditations
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- Job Position History
- Personal Summary
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- References
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- Social Media Links
- Volunteering
- Homeless Charity Contribution
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A complimentary/free 1776 Patriot Resume Profile
For the long-term we have reduced our online 1776 Resume Profile
to a complimentary/free offer, although we
respectfully request a one-off $4.76 contribution (no-obligation) for the Thanks Ethan! Homeless Charity
We request a small amount for our Profiles because a contribution goes a long way to helping our homeless
*A no-obligation $4.76 contribution is respectfully requested to support homeless charities, food banks and shelters
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1,000 promotional slots are available so you can add affiliate links that pay a sales commission
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What is a Homeless Charity Contribution?
A Homeless Charity Contribution is a
one-off, no-obligation contribution requested for an
online 1776 Patriot Resume Profile